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2016 Harvest: Day 15 + Day 16

Posted: Sep 19, 2016

Har­vest is undoubt­ed­ly the most excit­ing time of year at Beck­men Vine­yards. Our year-round vine­yard crew is busy hand­pick­ing our grapes dur­ing the night and into the ear­ly morn­ing, deliv­er­ing them to the win­ery for our wine­mak­er, Steve Beck­men, and his team to turn into wine. From late August to ear­ly Novem­ber, we will be pro­cess­ing tons of grapes from the 150 acres of grapevines we grow. It is an excit­ing and dynam­ic process that varies every year, keep­ing us on our toes even after 22 vin­tages of mak­ing wine. Fol­low along as we doc­u­ment our 2016 har­vest season.

Sep­tem­ber 6th and 7th are Day 15 and 16 of our har­vest sea­son, when our crew takes a break from the vine­yard to han­dle some very impor­tant tasks. First up: pack­ing the Quar­ter 3 Wine Club release.

Bot­tling takes place sev­er­al times over the course of a year, when the dif­fer­ent wines of our port­fo­lio fin­ish bar­rel aging and are ready to be enjoyed. Every year, we spend one day at the begin­ning of Sep­tem­ber to bot­tle a cou­ple of our wines. This year we are bot­tling our 2015 PMV Block Eight Grenache and our 2015 SYV Grenache.

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