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We’re In Good Company with USA Today’s 10 Best List

Posted: May 22, 2015

If you are look­ing for some amaz­ing Cen­tral Coast wines, make a day out of your wine tast­ing expe­ri­ence and check out some top-notch winer­ies just down the road from Beck­men Vine­yards. After enjoy­ing our vine­yard set­ting, head into the quaint, his­toric town of Los Olivos, only a cou­ple of min­utes away by car. This pic­turesque com­mu­ni­ty comes alive dur­ing the day, as peo­ple mean­der in and out of over 45 wine tast­ing rooms in a few block radius.

Thank­ful­ly, USA Today’s 10 Best has done the hard work and nar­rowed down the list of wine tast­ing rooms to 10 must-see (or rather, must-drink) places to vis­it. We have to say, we are in good com­pa­ny! Wine Your Way Around Los Olivos’ Best Wine Tast­ing Rooms and dis­cov­er remark­able wines and beau­ti­ful places.

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