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Sierra Club’s 5 Great Biodynamic Wines

Posted: Apr 20, 2016

We are hon­ored to have our 2013 Cuvee le Bec includ­ed in the Sier­ra Club Magazine’s recent arti­cle, 5 Great Bio­dy­nam­ic Wines, writ­ten by lifestyle edi­tor Avi­tal Andrews.

Hugh Preece, the oper­at­ing part­ner of Salt Creek Grille in Prince­ton, New Jer­sey, man­ages the restaurant’s list of more than 75 wines. One of his favorites is Beck­men Vine­yards’ 2013 Cuvee Le Bec. It’s a Rhône blend, with 45 per­cent bio­dy­nam­ic syrah, and also incor­po­rates grenache and mourvè­dre grapes. Drawn from the bio­dy­nam­i­cal­ly farmed Purisi­ma Moun­tain,” Preece says, Le Bec is juicy and fruit-for­ward, with rich aro­mas of berries, plum, clove, licorice, and even a hint of smoke. This bal­anced wine, with its deep fin­ish and sweet tan­nins, is a sure­fire crowd-pleas­er.” Serve this offer­ing from California’s San­ta Ynez Val­ley at a bar­be­cue or with Chi­nese food. $25

Inter­est­ed in try­ing oth­er bio­dy­nam­ic wines? Read the full arti­cle here.

We are always on the search for oth­er deli­cious, bio­dy­nam­i­cal­ly grown wines. Is there a bio­dy­nam­ic wine you rec­om­mend? Leave a com­ment and let us know!

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